Friday, August 12, 2011

Meat Or No Meat

If you want a new perspective on the food you eat, watch or read, "Food Inc." I don't know if this book pushed me to be a little more willing to try new things or just the fact that I believe we need a change. Over the last week we bought a juicer which was my husbands idea after hearing about a juice fast from his best friend from college. Watch the movie, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". Our first juice was a success, Celery and Pineapple Juice even the 19 month old loved it and had the cutest green mustache after drinking most of mine. When I was out at appointments David made his little girl a carrot and apple juice. This led to a stained blanket and a nasty diaper later but a happy girl.
I then had a friend who has changed her diet after reading the book, "The China Study" suggest meeting up at a local restaurant which is strictly vegan. The first thing she suggested was the fresh pretzel with this amazing creamy cashew dip that was actually almost as good as cheese. She then got a sandwich which had no meat but tofu and was amazing. All I could think about was how I need to go back and figure out how to make that sandwich at home.
Today for our outing we went to the food carts on Mississippi and instead of getting something with meat I decided to try a Fried Chickpea Sandwich from Garden State. It was wonderful and I was glad to have a great veggie meal for a second day. This time I found the recipe and I will have to try it soon when we aren't making a juice.

Spicy Chickpea Sandwich

1 comment:

  1. That sounds great! I am going to try it. As well as the health benefits, the carbon footprint implications of not eating meat are amazing. Now that I have to drive, by myself 200 miles a week, having a meatless day or two is even more important.
