Sunday, September 11, 2011

Success with Juicing

It has been over a month and we have started our day with some sort of juice or fruit smoothie. The juicer is getting a workout in our house. David is now down 7 pounds in 3 weeks and I am down one pant size (I hate the scale and unless made to won't step on it). The great part about having the juicer is that veggies and fruits are no longer going bad in the fridge. When we are worried they are going to go to waste we just through them in a juice and get our vitamins. Today both my little one and my brothers little boy shared a kale, carrot, celery and lemon juice with me. This last week was a hot one and instead of grabbing a cold soda we've been making watermelon juice. By going to the watermelon juice instead of the soda we are getting a nutrient rich flavorful drink. David made the first one with Watermelon and kiwi fruit. It was wonderful and refreshing :)

For more watermelon recipes click here: WATERMELON

Now my next goal is getting up earlier to workout. It's getting more difficult as the school year is now underway and it is so dark. The gym is going to be visited more as my running route is a little scary in the dark even with two big dogs.

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